COVID-19 resources in alphabetical order (original here)

"Now is a time to listen to those in more informed positions and to follow instructions, as difficult as that may be, as we step into the unprecedented unknowable. We should be careful about the noises we make — especially those with a public voice — and should not pretend to know what we do not. From within the clamour and tonnage of information and misinformation, of opinions and counter-opinions, of blame-games and grim prophecy and the most panic-inducing version of ‘Imagine’ ever recorded, emerges a simple message — wash your hands and (if you can) stay at home" Nick Cave from What do we do now?
International and Government Sites
General information: 
Clinical Management
Infection Control and Staff Health
Top 10 / Social Impacts (below)

ACT Health

> Chief Health Officer alerts (contain latest guidelines)

Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC)

Australian government
> AHPPC statements

> COVID-19 gateway into Australian Government

> Essential govt. information

> Latest COVID publications

NSW Health

SoNG (Australian public health guidelines)

QLD Health


Victoria DHHS

> WHO sitreps

** COVID-19 explained (animated video) **

Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID)

CanCOVID (amazing all around Canadian site)

Clinical presentation vs. cold and flu (graphic)

CT scanning
> US College of Radiology statement

> RANZCR position statement (20/04/20)

Drug interactions (Liverpool)

Educational resources
> Daily summary of the literature (Canada)
>> Subscribe to emails

> Medical student curriculum (Boston, USA)

> Online learning (LSHTM, UK)

Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
> Guidelines section

Pregnant healthcare workers (RANZCOG statement)

ProMED mail group

PubMed journal articles (latest search of Medline)

RACGP advice for General Practitioners
Australian Guidelines (Clinical Evidence Taskforce)

Echocardiography Australian consensus statement (22/04/20)

Ethics of allocating resources (NEJM 23/03/20)

Hospital in the home management (HITH society, 31/03/20)

ICU guidelines (ANZICS)

IDSA treatment guidelines (9/04/20)

Palliative care advice
> Restlessness and agitation at end of life (NSW CEC, 2017)

> Symptom management end of life (3/04/20)

Remdesivir access program (Australia, 29/06/20)

Remote control management (UK 25/03/20)
> Flowchart

Sanford treatment guidelines

Specialty guides for patient management

Specimen collection
> ACT Health guideline (21/05/20)

> Canberra Hospital Procedure (inc. diagram)

> Commonwealth PHLN guideline

> Nasopharyngeal swab procedure (NEJM video)

UpToDate COVID-19 topic

WHO treatment guidelines
At risk populations in Australia (ABS maps)

Australian data
> COVID restrictions timeline (up to 22/04/20)

> State by state breakdown (Your ABC)

COVID at a glance (Australian Govt daily update)

Epi curve (John Hopkins)

Epi curves (by country)

Epi modelling with variable assumptions

Government stringency index vs. number of cases

Logarithmic country curves

Mobility data
> Apple

> Google

Our world in data (Oxford University)

Worldometer (latest stats)

Worldwide snapshot (
ACSQHC resources

Conserving PPE during COVID-19 pandemic (Tips, QLD Health 7/03/20)

Exposure of healthcare workers (Guidelines, US CDC 7/03/20)
> Risk assessment of exposed HCWs (WHO, 17/03/20)

ICEG guidelines (Infection Control Expert Group, Aust)

Immunosuppressed HCWs (a practical definition perhaps?)

> Advice on use of masks (WHO, 5/06/20)

> Efficacy of surgical masks for HCWs (6/03/20)

> Everything you need to know (3M, commercial)

> Fake masks warning (contains NIOSH link)

> Fit checking masks (NSW Health, video)

> Removing masks (NSW Health, video)

> Sterilization procedure for reprocessing

Physical distancing at work (Safe Work Australia, 21/05/20)

PPE burn rate calculator (US CDC, 25/03/20)

PPE contamination by SARS-CoV-2 (March 2020)

PPE for HCWs works (case report 16/03/20)

Protecting healthcare workers (Atul Gawande, New Yorker 21/03/20)

Social distancing HCWs (draft QLD G/L 18/03/20)

Surgery infection control guidelines (ACSQHC, 28/04/20)

Triaging single rooms for COVID (23/03/20)

Vulnerable healthcare workers (Aust Govt, 30/03/20)

Vulnerable people in general (Aust Govt advice)

WHO briefing on appropriate PPE (27/03/20)
Top 10 - Friends & Family

** COVID-19 explained (animated video) **

Angel Next Door (helping out neighbors)

Australian data

Australian government resources for general public

Clinical presentation vs. cold and flu (graphic)

Factsheets for general public (Aust. Govt.)

Flutracking (now COVID tracking)

Mental health maintenance (Beyond Blue)

Movies for home quarantine (that I've rated 5 stars)

Worldwide snapshot (


Angela Merkel's speech

Government Coach makes things clear (Sammy J, 25/03/20)

Irish PM's speech

Messaging tips

The ballad of dunny roll (Sammy J, 11/03/20)